we promote

circular economy

Look deep into nature, and you will
understand everything we’re trying to do.

The fashion industry has been contributing to environmental pollution for many years by mass-producing clothing that speedily become into mountains of textile trash. Fashion is the world’s second-most polluting industry, after oil. 
Every week, more than 15 million pieces of used clothing arrive in Africa as waste. (BBC, 2021)
RosettaAI intends to be the sollution to this problem.
Using a circular economy, we can maximize the value of every piece of clothing that is discarded and create new jobs.

Fast fashion – Dumped in the desert | DW Documentary

A technical solution called Rosetta 1.0 enables participants in the textile waste sector to steer each garment toward the most effective circular recovery method.

It is made up of a cutting-edge digital marketplace that matches the supply and demand for worn clothing on a B2B and B2C basis as well as artificial intelligence technology that gathers information from each garment's image that is helpful for the circular process and directs it toward the most effective manner to reuse it.



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