about us

RosettaApparel is an innovative social enterprise with the goal of simplifying the sustainable management of post-consumer textile waste and encouraging the shift to a more circular fashion manufacturing and consumption model.

We collect discarded clothing from individuals and organizations, carefully catalog it and then distribute it to our network of “recyclers and upcyclers”. Day after day, the network grew to more than 10 entities, including tailoring and second-hand stores throughout the city of chimoio. These included several social tailor shops, which promote the labor inclusion of disadvantaged people, such as migrants, ex-offenders and women victims of violence.

Our Mission

Simplifying the sustainable management of post-consumer textile waste and encouraging the shift to a more circular fashion manufacturing and consumption model.

Our Vision

Making sure no garment becomes in waste after being used, but on contrary keeps being re-used, transformed and recirculated, creating economic value and new employment.

"A truly sustainable textile industry is one that cares about people and the planet."

Eileen fisher